The B2B Podcasters Community

The B2B Podcasters Community

Best free community for b2b podcasters!ne

I was on the lookout for a b2b podcaster peer group, but couldn't find one. So, I decided to create one myself!

Here are a few reasons you may be interested in signing up (if you're a podcaster in the b2b, marketing, SaaS, eCom space..

1/ I pay you πŸ’Έ

No, I don’t pay you to join, but rather, you have the opportunity to earn money from podcast sponsorships. Brands who are looking to reach Tech founders, sales people, or B2B marketers can partner with us. We can get their brand featured across multiple b2b podcasts through host-read ads including yours.

2/ Monthly meetups

I host a virtual meetup where we discuss a different topic every month. For example, in our last call we talked about the various tools we use. Before the call, I usually send everyone a few slides showing how I use a certain tool or do a certain process. Sending you information beforehand helps you decide if attending the meetup will be valuable or not for you.

3/ Private Slack Group

We have a private Slack group where members can pop in and out and ask questions.

4/ Good communication

It includes updates on sponsorship activity, info about new members who’ve joined, etc. Communicating news on a consistent basis is important and you will appreciate this. (Especially if you've signed up to join other podcast ad networks and just get an automated email every few months).

5/ I gamified πŸ•Ή the community

Earn points by supporting each other. For example, if a member gives a positive rating on another member’s podcast, they earn a point. If they recommend a guest or actually serve as a guest themselves, they earn points. After 6 months, the top 3 members with the highest points win prizes.

So does our community interest you? If you are on the fence, you can see what other members have said here. And if you're ready to jump on in, please submit your info here.


Eric Melchor