10 B2B Podcast Ad Script Examples (with links to audio recording)

10 B2B Podcast Ad Script Examples (with links to audio recording)

Podcast ads are generally not thought of as a growth channel, but they should be. Why? Because the audience are more receptive to ads since there is less ad saturation on podcasts than other channels. Less saturation equals more attention. And more attention equals more likelihood of listeners taking some kind of action after hearing the ad.

So, if you are thinking about experimenting with podcast advertising, here are a few things to consider.

Most underperforming ads make the same mistake

Having written several podcast ads for clients and executed several podcast advertising campaigns, here are the main reasons why an ad underperforms:

- The sponsors crams way too much information and overwhelms the prospect

- The ad sounds scripted and there is no real excitement or authenticity from the podcast host reading the ad (visual language)

- The ad doesn’t have a good hook (opening)

- The ad doesn’t mention the pain points the product solves (clarity)

- The flow and pacing of the ad doesn’t seem natural

- There is no call-to-action at the end (CTA)

- It’s longer than 55 seconds (if it’s a mid-roll ad)

That said, here is my critique of 10 ad script examples. And by the way, if you’re thinking of running a podcast ad campaign, improve your ROI by having my podcast sponsorship campaign checklist by your side.

Podcast Ad Copy Examples

👉 Click on the link below each script to hear the ad.

podcast ad script examples

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We'll be right back. Scale your sass is supported by ToroWave. Lots of software leaders I talked to are looking to scale their sass. And I keep hearing over and over about one major struggle getting ghosted by buyers after the demo. How frustrating is it when you have a great demo, you're feeling good.

[00:00:19] They like it. It seems like a done deal. And then crickets. Nothing reach out. They're not responding to you at all. And when these software companies, they asked me to dive in, I noticed that these sellers are following up the wrong way. Or actually I should say with the wrong medium, what they're doing is they're hammering emails over and over again.

[00:00:38] I got a newsflash for you. Email effectiveness is dwindling down and down every year. So why beat your head against the wall, losing all kinds of business. Start texting. Mix in texts along with emails and calls, and watch your conversion rates go up. In fact, conversion rates go up by about 50% when you use texting as part of the follow up, people are used to it.

[00:00:59] And did you know the response rate on texts is 98%? 98%. So why throw emails into a black hole knowing that they're never gonna get returned? Text buyers and get results, but don't use your own phone. All kinds of security and compliance issues. If you do also, none of that data is with your company.

[00:01:17] That's not good. Instead, use this system. Torowave Torowave is designed for sales. It makes texting with buyers super simple and fast, and it helps drive more deals. Deals that you've been losing until now. For being a listener, you get 50 percent off your first month of using Torowave. 50 percent off.

[00:01:33] Just go to Torowave. com slash scale. That's T O R O W A V E dot com slash scale. Get signed up and start winning more deals like Tracy, who closed 170, 000 in three days after starting. Again, go to Torowave. com slash scale. Catch up and win by texting with Torowave.

podcast ad script example

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[00:00:00] I know, really immersed in the conversation. And I'm going to forget to talk about our sponsor. So I'm going to tell you about it first. Uh, we're going to, uh, our sponsor is Brevo. Brevo is awesome. If you need to expand your customer base, boost your revenue, Brevo's comprehensive CRM suite is tailor made for businesses really of any size.

[00:00:26] You can create customized email campaigns, engaging SMS, or even A campaign on WhatsApp. Get started with Brevo for free. You got nothing to lose. Go to www. brevo. com forward slash marketing companion. You can start for free. If you decide to sign up, use the promo code companion to save 50 percent on the starter business plan.

[00:00:51] Now let's get into our show.

podcast ad copy

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[00:00:00] Alright, a quick break everyone. So I've met so many amazing people on this pod and through the conferences that I've hosted for years, I've met billionaires, I've met professional athletes, I've met famous people, and my biggest takeaway from meeting all of these people, the people who I admire, the people who I've read biographies of, is that Everyone is screwed up.

[00:00:20] We all have doubts. We all have stress. It's helped me realize that even though I have doubts or I have weaknesses, I can still achieve great things in business, but also life. And it's one of the reasons why I started Hampton, because with Hampton, we made it really easy to find your people. And so we create small groups of founders who have similar sized businesses as you.

[00:00:38] When you meet monthly, we were basically able to have something like a business group therapy. And those conversations, from my perspective, they've changed my life. The average company's doing something like 25 million dollars a year, but they range from, uh, a couple million bucks a year in revenue all the way up to publicly traded CEOs, so you're able to get, like, a huge perspective of how people are doing different stuff.

[00:00:55] So check it out, joinhampton. com. Alright, back to the pod.

podcast ad script example

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[00:00:00] Let's take a quick commercial break. If someone tells you to buy a stock, the last thing you should do is buy that stock. The first thing you should do is ask why. Unfortunately, a lot of influencers on YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Reddit, and really the list goes on, are giving really bad stock recommendations and investment advice.

[00:00:19] The question is, how do you determine if what these people say is good advice? or bad advice. That's where Tykr can help. Tykr can quickly and easily determine if a stock is a good or bad investment, and it helps you manage your investments with confidence. But don't take our word for it. Check out our Trust Pilot reviews to see what people are really saying.

[00:00:39] Go ahead and get started with a free trial. Visit Tykr. com. That's T Y K R. com. Again, Tykr. com. All right, back to the show.

podcast ad copy examples

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[00:00:00] All right, let's take a quick break and tell you about RepsMate. That's right, the sponsor of our podcast. Now, RepsMate is a conversation intelligence platform for contact centers. Have you ever wondered how you can analyze 100 percent of your customers interactions and turn them into actionable insights to improve customer loyalty?

[00:00:19] In real time? Yeah, that's right, real time. Your contact center could be your secret weapon. And it's not just customer calls that RepsMate can analyze. Their platform can evaluate all your customer interactions regardless of the communication channel including chat and email. By extracting relevant insights, you can empower your agents to deliver a great customer experience and improve customer retention.

[00:00:43] And so, you should learn more about how RepsMate can help improve your business at RepsMate. com.

podcast advertising campaign checklist
podcast ad script example

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[00:00:00] Hey there, it's Tim and I need to take a moment to tell you about this show's sponsor. It's a product called Hype Fury. When I was able to speak to Yanique, uh, who is the CMO, one of the founding partners of Hype Fury, and he agreed to sponsor the show, I was so thrilled. And the reason is because I have personally used Hype Fury.

[00:00:23] for the last three years. And it has allowed me to build my social media following and my personal brand to over 70, 000 followers. I could not have done it without Hype Fury. And I, I really, really mean that. I use this product every day and it's added so much to my business and to my life. So Hype Fury is a social media scheduling tool.

[00:00:44] It has three main features that I think separates it from every other tool. One, it, it allows you to quickly create content and schedule them. So it's a very nuanced feature, but it's so helpful. Basically, I sit down at my desk in the morning, and I type out my tweet, I type out my LinkedIn post, and then all I do is I hit enter.

[00:01:05] And Hypefury schedules it. at the opportune time on Twitter and on LinkedIn. I don't have to think about it any more than that. All I have to do is sit down and create my tweets, create my posts, hit enter, and Hypefury does all the work for me. Uh, second, Hypefury makes it so that you can easily create threads.

[00:01:26] And threads have been the biggest value add for me in growing my following. So threads really helped me grow my following on Twitter, and those threads format themselves into longer form LinkedIn posts on LinkedIn. It's actually kind of funny, I made a video about this not too long ago, about how yes, like you want to create threads on Twitter, you want to be a thread boy.

[00:01:50] Because I'd say like 80 percent of my growth on both Twitter and LinkedIn have been from threads and long form posts. And I wouldn't have been able to format any of this. without using Hype Fury. Uh, and then third, Hype Fury is really good for keeping you inspired. So, what it does is it, it shows you some of your most popular tweets and your most popular posts.

[00:02:16] And it basically gives you information, it gives you inspiration as to what your audience is looking for. And what they're most actively engaged in. So you're never sitting at the computer thinking, Oh man, like... What am I going to say today? You know, what kind of content am I going to create today? It's constantly feeding you new ideas, new inspiration, and it allows you to quickly create this content so that you can continuously get yourself out there, continuously build your brand, and most importantly, turn that social media following into newsletter subscribers.

[00:02:47] So, through Hype Fury, I've been able to grow my personal email list, timstahz. com To over 30, 000 followers, that's turned into a business within itself. It's really helped me grow the Copyblogger newsletter. We're at 110, 000 followers right now. A whole lot of that is, is also because of Hype Fury. So, please, this is a product that I use every single day.

[00:03:10] I personally vouch for it. You can check it out at Hypefury. com. H Y P E F U R Y dot com. If you have any problems with it, you can send me a DM on Twitter, and I'm sure I can convince you as to why it will add value to your life. So, Hypefury. com, thank you so much to Hypefury for sponsoring the show, and let's get back to the episode.

podcast commercial example

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[00:00:00] But first, we've got to give a big shout out to our sponsor, Dealfront. Getting through to decision makers is harder than ever before. Most data tools promise the earth, but just don't deliver. Imagine your sales and marketing team could target ideal fit leads in closed deals with a single tool.

[00:00:24] There's no need to imagine. DealFront's revenue engine is built on live European data in multiple languages. Access information other platforms can't. Easily select decision makers you want to start conversations with, grab their direct cell phones and emails. Its algorithm understands the nuances in EU data, languages, culture and regulations.

[00:00:47] DealFront draws from three layers of data. market signals, web visitors, and EU company databases. The platform's built for Europe's strict compliance standards, offering transparency into how it sources data, giving you GDPR compliance other platforms just can't compete with. Grab a free demo today at dealfront.

[00:01:07] com, that's dealfront. com, or visit the link in the description below.

podcast ad read script example

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[00:00:00] This episode is sponsored by Riverside, your all in one podcast and video platform. This episode is sponsored by Riverside, your all in one podcast and video platform. I've been using Riverside for years. Super high quality podcast recordings, ready in minutes. But listen to this. They just launched Magic Clips, which is their AI powered video clips maker for social media.

[00:00:27] So I do one podcast episode and get ten video clips back in minutes. This is game changing for video content creators. Click the link in the show notes and use the code MSM23 for 15 percent off.

podcast ad copy examples

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[00:00:00] Does your agency create websites or landing pages for your clients? Are you looking for a faster way to build advanced sites at scale? Consider Wix Studio. Featuring no code animations, built in AI tools, and custom CSS, Wix Studio helps you create and manage sites for all of your clients. Best in class defaults and automations keep sites optimized for search and you can manage everything from one centralized location.

[00:00:30] Visit Wix. com slash studio and get started today.

podcast ad copy examples

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If you're a regular listener, a content creator, or if you've ever just doom scrolled LinkedIn when your boss thought you were working, you already know that Hot takes are selling like hot cakes in the B two B world.

[00:00:13] Online armies of thought leaders assemble en masse to remind you that everything you've ever known, done, or said is wrong, and they're going to teach you a better way. But before you blindly follow, you should know how to separate the hot takes from the hot air, and that can be easier said than done, especially for us as busy professionals.

[00:00:26] That's why at B2B Growth, we paid our writer a handful of loose change, pocket lint, and a promise of valuable exposure to do it for us, saving you the time and the headache. A B2B Growth Newsletter takes a look at a popular B2B Growth marketing opinion and then pits it against an influencer's contrarian point of view.

[00:00:38] Find out what we've uncovered by subscribing to our newsletter now, which you can do at B2BGrowthShow. com slash newsletter, for the low, low cost of free. Again, subscribe to the newsletter, B2BGrowthShow. com slash newsletter.

👊 Thanks for browsing these podcast ad script examples!

I hope you got some inspiration or, at the very least, some ideas on how to craft a good podcast ad script.

👉 See the case study and uncover how smart SaaS brands are getting ahead with podcast sponsorships to gain a competitive edge.

podcast media agent

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