Proven podcast ad read script (with template)

Proven podcast ad read script (with template)

Creating a podcast ad read script can be challenging (I know, I’ve created dozens). The message has to resonate, engage, and drive action. But most important, it has to sound genuine and authentic. To make it believable, I go through a series of steps to create an ad script that is compelling and effective.

Understanding the Advertiser’s Product

Before you even begin crafting the script, it’s essential to understand the product’s feature, the pain points it solves, and even use the product if you have time. The best converting ads are the ones where the host really uses the product and likes it.

For me, I do the following steps to create a strong ad:

- visit the brand’s website to learn about the product

- try using the product myself

- record what I like about the product (1 or 2 key features)

- visit G2 to read reviews about the product (or other 3rdparty review site)

Then I put all the pieces together to create authentic podcast ad copy.

podcast ad read script

Key things to consider when crafting your podcast ad script:

- Keep your ad concise: based on various studies, podcast ads should be kept to less than 40 seconds.

- Let the Host’s personality shine: Ads are more believable when the script is written by the host. If the host is quirky and funny but the ad has a corporate like tone, then it won’t be believable.

- CTA that Commands Action: Your Call to Action (CTA) should be crystal clear. Whether it's directing listeners to a website, prompting a download, or inviting engagement, ensure the host ends the ad with a CTA.

I just need a podcast ad read script template

If you don’t have time to follow my podcast ad script creation process, you can download a podcast ad read script template here. It can be applied to almost every b2b product available.

I’ve used this for clients’ in the past and it has worked well as it:

- Speaks the jargon of b2b professionals

- Addresses the pain points the audience experiences

- Highlights the strong benefits of the product

podcast ad read script template

For more tips on navigating the world of podcast sponsorships, check out The Ultimate Podcast Sponsorship Checklist.

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